George E. Rodolakis Dr of Law
From the “Law of the Rhodians” to the 53rd Hook of “Basilika”
Contribution to the study of Byzantine maritime law
In the thesis I have examined the history of the so called Law of the Rhodians, from the Roman era -roman ‘Lex Rhodia- to the Byzantine period. In particular, I have examined the inclusion of the law in the Justinianean codification, the reformulation of the byzantine collection “Rhodian Sea-Law” (RSL) and finally the incorporation of all the provisions of maritime law into the 53rd book of Basilica (B.53).
In the first part of the thesis, I have revieded the textual tradition of RSL. I have examined the authenticity of the “Prologue” and 1 have classified and examined afresh the “Appendices”. Thus, a new edition of the law taking into account all manuscripts was prepared. The examination and edition of the Prologue and Appendices assist us in understanding the stratification in the textual tradition of RSL.
In the second part, I have reviewed the textual tradition of B.53, taking into account new testimonies fron codices, and especially the Codex Vaticanus Barberinianus gr. 578, which is published for the first time and contains the full text of B.53. I have also examined the composition of B.53 and I have concluded that the RSL from the beginning was part of Basilica and in particular the 8,h title of the 53rd book.
The edition of B.53, in the third part, provides a substantially improved version of the text, compared with previous editions (including the 1974 edition of H.J.Sheltema and N. van der Wal).
Βλέπε νέα έκδοση του 53ου βιβλίου των Βασιλικών στο Μέρος Τρίτο σ. 213-260 της μονογραφίας.
Ευρετήρια-Λεξιλόγια σ. 273-290.
Κατάλογος χειρογράφων που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν σ. 267-269 της μονογραφίας
Βλέπε πίνακα πηγών του 53ου βιβλίου των Βασιλικών και των παραρτημάτων του ΝΡΝ σ. 270-272 της μονογραφίας